Wednesday, February 10, 2016

When I first was introduced to this paper, I thought it was going to be boring and just another pointless assignment. But when I stayed to write about bowling and connected myself with the outside sources, I found it fun to try to connect my experiences with theirs. Like I was told, you follow a process of writing your paper and them coming to a conclusion that you didn’t have before you started. I honestly didn’t think it would happen but it did! Regarding my original design plan, I pretty much stuck to it and the outline for the most part. There were a few things that I had changed, like putting more of the outside sources into the conclusion because I know that it is a requirement. I didn’t stray from the design plan but I did add a lot more body to the paper to better explain myself , from draft to draft. I’m happy with what I ended on because I think I made my thesis very clear in the conclusion.  But what I really enjoyed about this writing assignment was that I could do the inductive writing style. Where I lead up to the thesis and not stating it in my introduction like every other paper I have ever done. One big resource that I utilized was the writing center. I’ve never gone to them for help but with this paper, I emailed it to them and they got back to me very quick. And they found a lot of errors that I didn’t see myself, nor my peers from class. They also made suggestions that I think really helped my paper become stronger and just better rounded. I think that I wrote a very good paper that met all the requirements.

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